Sumala streaming vf, Sumala voirfilms,Sumala streamcomplet, Sumala filmsrip,Sumala Bande-annonce : Unbeknownst to her husband Soedjiman, Sulastri made a pact with the devil so that she could have children. She gave birth to twins, Kumala, who survived, and Sumala, who died. Kumala grew up to be a kind child, but she was also physically and mentally disabled. She often received bad treatment from the people around her. One day, Sumala came from the world of the dead and made a reckoning with those who had hurt Kumala.
Années: 2024
Langues: Français (VF)
Qualités: HD1080
Pays: Inde
Genre: Films , Epouvante-horreur , Thriller
Acteurs: Abiyyu Barakbah, Budi Gunawan, Darius Sinathrya, Denino Basrial, Denny Rahman, Ivonne Dahler, Luna Maya, Makayla Rose Hilli, Varen Arianda Calief
Lecteur Film principal pour les inscrits
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